Straight Teeth in Six Months
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All Posts Tagged: straight teeth

Adults Wear Behind The Teeth Braces

Do you want a perfect smile but can’t commit to years of wearing braces? Getting patients of all ages straight teeth fast is our specialty here at Rapid Braces. We understand that the process of getting braces as an adult can seem overwhelming. That’s exactly why Dr. Georgaklis at Rapid Braces created the 6 Month Braces treatment so adults can get the smile they’ve always dreamed of.

Traditional braces are placed on the front of the teeth, require a lot of maintenance and can make whoever is wearing them feel very self-conscious in social settings. At Rapid Braces, you can forget all of the hassle associated with traditional braces. Our patients’ treatment plans start with an initial consultation so Dr. G and his expert staff can get a look at your mouth and recommend what would work best. Dr. Georgaklis gives his patients the flexibility to choose from a variety of braces options for a plan that works best.

One of the most popular choices for adults who want straight teeth are Lingual Braces. Lingual Braces are braces that are placed behind the teeth. The brackets, wires and cement are all placed on the tongue side of your mouth (lingual side). Once in place, behind the teeth braces work like traditional metal braces except they can’t be seen. This is a perfect option for patients who would like to keep their braces hidden, but still want the perfect smile they’ve dreamed of. Lingual, ‘incognito’ braces are an alternative to Invisalign but don’t require new aligner plates to be made on a regular basis.

While Invisalign requires a series of predetermined application, lingual braces gives Dr. Georgaklis full control over teeth movement and allows for a fast and timely procedure. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation and see why so many people are going to Rapid Braces for straight teeth fast today!


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