Straight Teeth in Six Months
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All posts by bwg

Comfortable Braces Options at Rapid Braces

do i need braces

One thing that scares patients away when they are determining whether they need braces or not are stories of orthodontic emergencies. They’ve heard horrific tales from their friends about waking up in the middle of the night with a broken bracket or uncomfortable sore. According to the storyteller, this type of problem regularly requires being rushed to the orthodontist to fix the issue before things get worse. At Rapid Braces we hear horror stories recounted by patients often and want all of our patients to know that we offer braces that are more comfortable and easier to take care of than ever. Ensuring you take proper care of your mouth and braces is the best way to avoid an orthodontic emergency.

At Rapid Braces office in Brookline, we offer many modern braces alternatives that are designed to make the process of getting a perfect smile easier. Patients no longer have to worry about years of painful treatment with expert orthodontic care from Rapid Braces. Behind the teeth braces, invisible braces, lingual braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available at Rapid Braces. These options have been proven to be less obtrusive than traditional metal braces. They also allow patients to be able to smile without letting the world know they’re getting their teeth straightened with braces that stay out of sight.

It is also important to make sure your mouth stays clean and your braces stay fastened to your teeth correctly. If something does go wrong it is best to contact Dr. G to get it fixed as soon as possible so your smile looks as good as it can after completing treatment. Rapid Braces asks that all patients arrive on time for scheduled appointments so Dr. G will have the time to give each patient the attention that they deserve.

Schedule a visit to the Rapid Braces office in Brookline to learn if our expert Boston orthodontic treatment is right for you. Many patients are unsure if they need braces before starting treatment. An initial consultation with Dr. G will give us a good idea of how your teeth are aligned and what options exist to get you straight teeth fast.

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Are 6 Month Braces Right for Me?

6 month braces

At Rapid Braces office in Brookline we see many patients for initial consultations who are unsure if 6 month braces are right for them. In most cases these patients are adults who are embarrassed to show their smile for one reason or another. The lengthy orthodontic treatment times, stories of painful appointments and having to wear awkward looking metal brackets are too much to deal with. Luckily for them, however, Rapid Braces has been at the forefront of developing alternative braces methods that are more comfortable and can be taken off faster than traditional braces.

Studies have shown that many adults in the United States feel they could have a better smile. Many adults who thought they missed out on getting straight teeth when they were a teen are getting perfect smiles fast with fast orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces. There are a number of different reasons for wanting to improve your smile.

  • Being uncomfortable with your smile makes you feel self-conscious in social situations
  • You have a big event like a wedding or graduation that you want to look great for
  • Your smile is holding you back from getting the most out of your career

Get Fast Orthodontic Treatment

Schedule an initial consultation today to learn more about how Rapid Braces can straighten teeth fast. We have a number of different alternative braces options available for our 6 month treatment that are more comfortable and look better than traditional braces. Lingual braces, behind the teeth braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available at Rapid Braces.

6 month braces at Rapid Braces can fix a number of different problems with the alignment of your teeth to give you the best possible smile. Our 6 month braces treatments has closed up gaps between teeth, moved teeth that were out of position, straightened out crooked teeth and given crowded teeth some room to breathe. The experts at Rapid Braces are able to complete over 90% of the cases they take on in 6 months or less and patients are often amazed with the results.

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Behind the Teeth Braces at Rapid Braces

behind the teeth braces

Behind the teeth or hidden braces are a new type of orthodontic treatment that is becoming a popular choice for adults. An alternative to traditional metal braces that can make anyone look awkward, hidden braces are placed behind your teeth. This way they are hidden out of view so they’re practically invisible. Your teeth will constantly be getting straightened out while wearing behind the teeth braces until you have a perfect smile. Rapid Braces strives to complete orthodontic treatment quickly and is able to finish more than 90% of its cases in 6 months or less.

Unlike in the past, getting straight teeth isn’t just for teenagers anymore. Today, more and more adults are choosing to get orthodontic treatment with behind the teeth braces. Some have been dreaming of getting a beautiful smile but felt they would be to embarrassed to show their face in public wearing traditional braces. Others knew that metal braces can be a painful commitment that often lasted more than 3 years. Behind the teeth braces offer an alternative way to straighten out your teeth that is both comfortable and discreet.

Advantages of Behind the Teeth Braces

There are a number of benefits to getting straight teeth with behind the teeth braces at Rapid Braces.

  • Behind the teeth braces are easy to keep hidden due to the fact that they are placed behind your teeth. Only those you choose to tell will even know that they are there.
  • Patients wearing behind the teeth braces are able to eat and speak normally after a short adjustment time.
  • It is far easier to keep your teeth clean wearing behind the teeth braces than with traditional braces.
  • Rapid Braces is able to finish over 90% of its adult orthodontics cases in 6 months or less with the 6 month braces treatment method.

Give us a call and schedule appointment to find out if behind the teeth braces are the right choice for you today. All of our patients’ treatments begin with an initial consultation. At this appointment Dr. G can see how your teeth are aligned and recommend which treatment options are right for you.

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Do I Really Need Braces as an Adult?

do i need braces

Braces are no longer just for children and teenagers. Today, more adults are looking for adult orthodontic treatment to fix gaps between their teeth and a number of other reasons. Some patients want a perfect smile that will improve their self-esteem. Others would like their teeth straightened out to correct a painful bite. Adults have been getting braces in increasing numbers in recent years due to a number of advancements that make getting a perfect smile easier than ever.

Rapid Braces in Brookline offers orthodontic treatment to patients of all ages with a focus on providing the most personalized adult braces treatment. Over 90% of the cases we take are able to be completed in 6 months or less with our 6 month braces treatment option. Dr. Georgaklis developed the technique almost 20 years ago and has received acclaim from the orthodontic community for his 6 month braces method. There are also a number of different styles of braces available at Rapid Braces so patients can choose the type that works best for them.

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they first meet you. A confident smile can be a big boost to self-esteem in social and professional settings. With Rapid Braces’ 6 month braces treatment plan, adult patients don’t need to commit to a lengthy treatment process to get the smile that they’ve always wanted. We understand that many adults have very busy schedules and work our hardest to be accommodating with scheduled appointments.

Our adult orthodontic treatment starts with an initial consultation with Dr. G. At this first meeting, Dr. G can see exactly how your teeth are aligned and what the best treatment options are. He can then present the choices for types of braces that are available to you. We offer behind the teeth braces, lingual braces, clear braces, invisible braces and Invisalign at Rapid Braces so patients are almost always able to find a braces option that works for them. Call Rapid Braces today to schedule an appointment and get started with 6 month braces today.

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Fix Teeth Gap with 6 Month Adult Braces

6 month adult braces

At Rapid Braces office in Brookline we see a number of adult patients who want to get a gap between their teeth closed up. Patients often tell us that closing the gap will allow them to feel more comfortable about themselves in social situations. They feel that not being able to confidently smile and show off their teeth could be limiting their opportunities for growth at work and in their personal lives. For whatever reason though, these patients weren’t able to get straight teeth when they were younger. Rapid Braces understands that there are many adults who aren’t comfortable with their smiles and offers 6 month adult braces so our patients can get gaps in their teeth closed for a perfect smile.

Our fast 6 month braces treatment is the reason so many adults are coming to Rapid Braces for straight teeth. Almost 20 years ago Dr. Georgalkis realized that lengthy orthodontic treatment times weren’t allowing many adults to get the straight teeth they wanted. Committing to a 2 or 3 year orthodontic treatment plan simply isn’t a possibility for most adults so he developed the 6 month braces treatment. Today, at the Rapid Braces office in Brookline, Dr. G is able to complete over 90% of the cases he takes on in 6 months or less.

We are able to offer such rapid results by giving our patients the most personalized orthodontic service in the Boston area. Less appointments are scheduled daily so that Dr. G has the time to carefully monitor his patients progress and make adjustments that will shorten the treatment time while getting you the best results. Rapid Braces’ adult orthodontic treatment starts with an initial consultation so Dr. G can take a good look at how your teeth are aligned and what adult orthodontic treatment options are available.

A number of different alternative adult braces options are available at Rapid Braces that are more comfortable to wear and easier to keep hidden than traditional metal braces. Lingual braces are braces that are put behind the teeth so anyone looking from the outside will be unable to see them. Clear braces or invisible braces use clear elements so they will blend in with your mouth in a way that wasn’t possible with braces before. Invisalign, one of our most popular adult braces options, is done with clear aligner trays that can be removed at anytime. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started with our 6 month adult braces treatment.

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Six Month Braces Give Patients a Flexible Way to Get a Perfect Smile

adult 6 month braces

In the past, getting crooked or misaligned teeth straightened out for a perfect smile was a painful experience. Getting straight teeth meant wearing braces that consisted of metal brackets, tiny elastic bands, headgear and more. Luckily, orthodontic technology has taken leaps forward in recent years for adults who need a more flexible orthodontic option. Rapid Braces in Brookline has been a offering different types of 6 month adult braces for a number of years so that we can give our patients the most flexible way to get a perfect smile.

More and more adults are choosing Rapid Braces for their orthodontic treatment due to our quick treatment process. Braces have traditionally taken more than two years to get taken off but not with our 6 month braces. With Rapid Braces’ 6 month braces treatment option we are able to complete over 90% of our orthodontic cases in 6 months or less. Adults are able to fit our orthodontic treatment into their busy schedules because of the manageable time commitment.

Another reason why so many adults are getting orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces is the different types of modern braces alternatives that we offer. Unlike traditional braces, our braces will be tough to notice while you are wearing them and be comfortable to keep on. Lingual or behind the teeth braces are put in behind the teeth so that they can’t be seen from the outside. Behind the teeth braces offer a good amount of control over how your teeth are aligned. Invisible or clear braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that uses clear bands so that the braces will blend in with the rest of your mouth. Invisalign, Rapid Braces’ most popular treatment option, straightens teeth using clear aligner plates that must be recast multiple times during treatment to continue nudging your teeth into perfect position. Invisalign aligner trays can be removed at any time to make them the most comfortable braces option available.

Choosing which braces alternative for adults is right for you can be tricky. Every new patient that we see at Rapid Braces starts their treatment with an initial consultation so that Dr. G can get a good feel for how your teeth are aligned and what would be best to get a perfect smile. The experts at Rapid Braces can then present all the options that are available for you so you can choose the option that works best for you.

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Who Needs Braces?

In recent years more and more adults are looking for orthodontic treatment to improve their smiles. Some individuals get braces to correct an uncomfortable bite for a healthier mouth. Others want to feel more comfortable in social situations and getting straight teeth is a great way to boost self-esteem. Over 1 million adults in America wear braces today, a number that has continuously grown for the past several years. People of all ages are wearing braces to correct their teeth, the following are a few reasons why adults are getting braces at any age.

braces for adults

A perfect smile is a great first impression.

The first thing that many people notice when they first meet someone is their smile. Smiling has a positive impact on everyone around you. Individuals with straight teeth can feel confident showing their smile to the world and have the self-esteem to show for it. Being able to show your smile to the world will make a huge difference in your life and change how people interact with you for the better.

Teeth are able to shift at any age.

A number of adults will notice that their teeth, which had been straight in the past, begin to shift as they get older. This can happen due to an injury or naturally and often leaves someone with a crooked smile. You can get braces at any age at Rapid Braces so we can straighten out teeth that begin to move at an older age.

Straight teeth play a big part in a healthy smile.

When an adult has misaligned teeth it is much easier for food and plaque to build up and create cavities. Eventually an unclean mouth will lead to periodontal or gum disease. Getting perfect smile at Rapid Braces will help you keep your mouth much healthier.

Braces from Rapid Braces are more comfortable and less noticeable than ever.

The experts at Rapid Braces offer a number of different modern braces alternatives that are comfortable to wear and can hardly be noticed. Behind the teeth braces, lingual braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available at Rapid Braces for patients of any age.

Our 6 month braces orthodontic treatment begins with an initial consultation so Dr. G can see how your teeth are aligned and put together a treatment plan. Schedule an appointment at Rapid Braces today to get started with 6 month braces for adults.

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Straight Teeth Fast with Adult Braces

Many adults wish they had a better smile. Having overcrowded teeth or big gaps in between your teeth can cause individuals to shy away from social situations. A better smile would eliminate these fears and allow an adult to feel confident in any social setting. Getting straight teeth has traditionally been something for teenagers and not adults. Today, however, Rapid Braces in Brookline offers a number of braces alternatives for adults that will improve your smile in 6 months or less.

Adults who didn’t get braces when they were a teenager often have a number of questions about adult orthodontic treatment. The most important is whether our patients even need braces in the first place. The following are three common signs that you need braces, regardless of how old you are.

adult braces alternatives

Food gets stuck between your teeth.

Food getting stuck means that there are some sizable gaps between your teeth. If you don’t regularly floss this food can stay in your mouth for weeks, presenting an opportunity for plaque to build up and cavities. Close any gaps between your teeth with the expert Boston orthodontic treatment available at Rapid Braces.

Your teeth are overcrowded.

If your teeth are too close together it can be impossible, even for a professional hygienist, to ensure that your mouth is completely clean. Get overcrowded teeth room to breath with a braces alternative for adults at Rapid Braces.

Your bite is uncomfortable.

Having a bite that doesn’t fit together properly can lead to discomfort. Eating and chewing can be a problem if your bite doesn’t line up. Get rid of any discomfort with Boston’s number 1 orthodontist at Rapid Braces.

Schedule an appointment at Rapid Braces today if any of the conditions listed above apply to you. Dr. G has years of experience giving adults straight teeth with the best alternative braces options. Rapid Braces offers invisible braces, braces behind the teeth, clear braces and invisalign so our patients can get a perfect smile without having to let the world know they’re wearing braces. Rapid Braces gives its patients the most personal orthodontic service in the Boston area. Call us today to learn more about how you can get a better smile in 6 months or less.

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Rapid Braces is the Cambridge Invisalign Expert

cambridge invisalign orthodontist

Rapid Braces is a leading provider of the Invisalign orthodontic treatment in the Cambridge area. Invisalign is a method for straightening teeth that cannot be seen from the outside because it is practically invisible. Invisalign treatment utilizes a series of clear plastic aligner plates that gradually shift teeth into the desired position. The aligner plates are all custom made to fit your mouth perfectly so Invisalign is far more comfortable than traditional metal braces. Because of the comfort level and ease to keep hidden, Invisalign has become one of the most popular methods of orthodontic treatment in the world.

Invisalign aligners are made of FDA approved, medical grade plastic that are customized to fit your teeth perfectly. A new aligner will need to be made and put in your mouth about every two weeks to continue to move your teeth. Each new aligner will fit your teeth a little differently to gradually improve your teeth’s alignment without causing the patient any discomfort. Invisalign must be worn as close to as full-time as possible to get the best possible smile. The aligners can be removed in order to eat and clean your mouth.

Patients in Cambridge love the Invisalign orthodontic treatment because most can complete treatment without anyone noticing. The clear plastic aligners are incredibly difficult to see from the outside so many patients don’t have to go through any unwanted attention due to their braces. In the past, patients undergoing orthodontic treatment had to deal with clunky metal braces that everyone wanted to talk about. Patients can get Invisalign at Rapid Braces without changing the way they look. Invisalign braces can be worn by adults and teens to treat issues such as: overbite, underbite, crossbite, crowded teeth and big gaps between the teeth.

Another reason that so many patients in Cambridge are going to Rapid Braces for orthodontic treatment is the fast treatment time. Rapid Braces offers the 6 month braces treatment method and is able to finish over 90% of cases in 6 months or less. Dr. G developed the 6 month braces method over 20 years ago so he could offer adults orthodontic treatment that could be completed fast. Dr. G and his expert staff offer the most personal orthodontic treatment in the Cambridge area. Rapid Braces provides personalized treatment so Dr. G can make changes to patient’s treatment plans as he discovers issues and get his patients perfect smiles.

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Straight Teeth with Boston Braces for Adults

Rapid Braces has been offering fast orthodontic treatment to patients in the Greater Boston area for over 20 years. Dr. G invented the 6 month braces treatment option and has been able to finish more than 90% of the orthodontic cases he takes on in 6 months or less. A number of different Boston braces options are available at the Rapid Braces office in Brookline. Behind the teeth braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available so adults can find the braces that work best for them.

fast adult braces

Often the thought of getting braces put on scares many adults away from starting orthodontic treatment. A potential patient may have dreamed about getting a perfect smile for their entire lives but undergoing orthodontic treatment that can last up to 3 years is not normally a possibility. Dr. G developed the 6 month braces treatment option after seeing many adults decide not to start treatment because of the lengthy treatment times. With the 6 month braces technique, Dr. G and his expert staff focus on the end result of the treatment to get you the results that you want fast. Now more adults than ever are getting the smile of their dreams with Rapids Braces’ 6 month braces technique.

So many adults are choosing Rapid Braces for an improved smile because of the personalized service that we offer. We understand that patients have busy schedules and ensuring that our treatment plans won’t interrupt any other obligations is a top priority. The modern adult braces alternatives that we offer are the most comfortable braces options yet. Many of the types of braces available at Rapid Braces are also very easy to keep hidden from others so patients concerned about how their mouth will look with braces don’t need to worry. Behind the teeth braces are placed on the inside of a patient’s mouth so they won’t be visible to anyone on the outside. Clear braces and Invisalign both utilize a clear plastic material that is practically invisible.

Schedule an initial consultation at Rapid Braces to get started with our 6 month braces adult orthodontic treatment. At the first meeting, Dr. G will personally meet with you so he can get a good look at how your teeth are aligned and get to know you. Rapid Braces schedules fewer daily appointments so we are able to give our patients the most individualized adult orthodontic treatment in the Boston area. Come visit to get straight teeth fast.

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