Straight Teeth in Six Months
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Brookline rapid braces

All posts by bwg

Braces Behind Teeth are a Great Way to Get a Perfect Smile

The expert Boston orthodontists at Rapid Braces are proud to be able to offer a wide variety of braces. Each orthodontic method provides unique advantages so we are able to meet the needs of each of our patients. Each of the braces alternatives that we use at Rapid Braces utilize the most modern orthodontic technology to get the best results. All of our treatments start with an initial Boston braces consultation where Dr. Georgaklis can evaluate your smile and discuss which treatment options would be best for you. Our expert staff makes it a point to never recommend expensive treatments when more reasonable alternatives exist.

Of the modern braces alternatives that we offer patients at Rapid Braces, braces behind the teeth are one of the most popular. Braces behind the teeth or lingual braces are braces that are worn on the backside of the teeth as opposed to the front. Dr. G is able to have full control of the teeth from the back so he can close up any gaps and straighten teeth. The biggest reason most patients choose to wear braces behind their teeth, however, is that the braces will remain hidden there. Traditional metal braces can attract a lot of unwanted attention and behind the teeth braces can help you avoid that. Many patients return for follow-up appointments reporting that absolutely no one could tell they were wearing braces.

braces behind teeth boston

Another good reason that patients of all ages wear Boston braces behind their teeth for straight teeth is the speed of treatment. Dr. G uses the 6 month braces treatment method at Rapid Braces. With this method he has been able to complete over 90% of his cases in 6 months or less. The quick treatment times and satisfied patients are transforming orthodontics completely. Adults can now fit Boston orthodontic treatment in with their busy schedules and be confident they’ll have a perfect smile in 6 months or less.

Call Rapid Braces today to get started with Rapid Braces Boston braces behind the teeth treatment. We can schedule an initial consultation so Dr. G and our expert staff can get to know you and your smile. Rapid Braces strives to give its patients the most individualized orthodontic services in the Boston area. We tailor all of our treatment options to the patient and get the results to prove it. Rapid Braces can get you straight teeth in 6 months or less.

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Patient Comfort a Priority at Rapid Braces

At Rapid Braces in Brookline we treat a number of patients who have tried to get Boston orthodontic treatment with other practices. Most of them complain of awkward metal braces, painful teeth, and obnoxious appointment times that they were unable to keep up with. Before too long all the trouble wasn’t worth it and they had to stop their treatment without getting the perfect smile that they’ve always dreamed of. The expert staff at Rapid Braces knows how difficult it is to wear braces as an adult and strives to make the entire Boston orthodontic treatment process as comfortable as possible for patients of all ages.

The biggest reason Rapid Braces is able to offer the most comfortable orthodontic experience in the Boston area are the multiple cutting-edge braces alternatives we offer. These modern Boston braces alternatives were designed to be comfortable to wear, easy to keep clean, and remain hidden while you are wearing them. Many of our patients are hesitant to begin Boston orthodontic treatment because of all the unwanted attention metal braces attract. We offer behind the teeth braces, invisible braces, and invisalign at Rapid Braces in Brookline so every patient can find the perfect orthodontic option for them.

comfortable braces brookline

We also ensure that scheduled appointments with Dr. Georgaklis are comfortable for our patients as well. Dr. G makes it a point to schedule less patient appointments each day so he can give each patient the attention they deserve. More time allows for a more personalized orthodontic treatment than most practices offer and faster results. At each scheduled orthodontic appointment Dr. G will monitor the progress of your treatment and make any adjustments that are necessary.

Fast orthodontic treatment time is another reason why many adults are choosing to get straight teeth at Rapid Braces. Dr. G developed the 6 month braces technique almost 20 years ago and has been making improvements ever since. Today he is able to complete 90% of the orthodontic cases that he takes on with his 6 month braces treatment option. We are able to achieve such fast results by paying attention to every small detail and focusing on the end result of your treatment. Call Rapid Braces today to get started with Boston’s best orthodontic treatment for adults.

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Quick Orthodontic Treatment in Brookline

Quick Orthodontic Treatment in Brookline

Patients looking to avoid traditional braces and for a faster way to get straight teeth are in luck. The 6 Month Braces method developed by Dr. Georgaklis can get you the same perfect smile as traditional braces in a fraction of the time. Adults around the Greater Boston area are beginning to take notice because they can get Boston orthodontic treatment completed in a few months instead of a few years. Fitting orthodontic treatment into a busy schedule can be difficult but with quick treatment that can be completed in 6 months or less any adult can get the smile they’ve always dreamed of.

The number one advantage of the 6 Month Braces technique is its speed. Patients undergoing traditional orthodontic treatment normally wear braces between 2 and 4 years. Most patients completing the 6 Month Braces orthodontic treatment option, however, are able to finish treatment in 6 months or less with a beautiful smile. Like traditional braces, the 6 Month Braces treatment involves the use of devices that apply pressure to the teeth causing them to gradually shift into the proper position. Rapid Braces offers the most individualized orthodontic treatment in the Boston area to ensure fast treatment. Dr. G gives more time to each patient so adjustments to your braces can be made for a better end result.

quick orthodontic treatment

Quick orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces in Brookline starts with an initial consultation. At this meeting, Dr. G can get a close look at the position that your teeth are in and recommend the types of treatment that will work best for your particular needs. We offer a number of different braces alternatives at Rapid Braces so anyone can find quick orthodontic treatment that works for them. We have invisible braces, behind the teeth braces, and invisalign available for patients who don’t want the extra attention that wearing traditional braces normally brings.

Once you begin treatment at Rapid Braces we will schedule a number of appointments in order to monitor your progress. We schedule less daily appointments than most orthodontic practices so we can offer our patients a personalized service. It is very important that you are able to attend each of your scheduled appointments for the best end results. At Rapid Braces, Dr. G and the expert staff will get you straight teeth fast.

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Boston Orthodontics for Adults

Boston Orthodontics for Adults

In 2015 more and more adults around the Greater Boston area got orthodontic treatment so they could get straight teeth and perfect smiles. At Rapid Braces in Brookline we realize how important it is for our patients to feel comfortable showing their smile. We do our best to offer Boston orthodontics for adults that can be completed quickly and comfortably. Dr. Georgaklis has spent years developing the 6 month braces technique so Rapid Braces can offer patients the best Boston orthodontics solution.

Braces aren’t just for kids at Rapid Braces in Brookline. For years we have been offering a number of cutting-edge braces alternatives to patients who want straight teeth. With our braces alternatives there is no need to wear unsightly metal braces for multiple years. Patients can choose from invisible braces, behind the teeth braces, clear braces, and invisalign at the Rapid Braces office in Brookline. Each braces for adults alternative was designed to give patients fantastic orthodontic results quickly and comfortably. With so many braces alternatives available, any patient can find a Boston orthodontics option that works for them.

boston orthodontics for adults

Fast Boston orthodontics treatment times are another reason why so many adults are choosing to get perfect smiles at Rapid Braces. The 6 month braces method developed by Dr. G has earned praise from orthodontic experts. He is able to achieve such fast Boston orthodontics treatment times by focusing on the end result and offering his patients the most personalized orthodontic treatment in the Boston area. With more time devoted to each patient, Dr. G is able to closely monitor each patients progress and make any necessary changes to a patient’s braces to ensure the fastest possible orthodontic treatment.

Call Rapid Braces today to get started with our 6 month braces treatment today. Your treatment will start with an initial Boston orthodontics consultation where Dr. G will meet with you. At this first meeting Dr. G and the trained staff at Rapid Braces can get a look at how your teeth are aligned and recommend the best treatment options for you. We make a point at Rapid Braces to never recommend an expensive orthodontic treatment option when less expensive alternatives are available. We will be sure to detail every step in the Rapid Braces orthodontic process so you can make the best possible choice for a perfect smile.

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Avoid Unwanted Attention with Boston Invisible Braces

Over the past several years, Rapid Braces has seen the demand for alternatives to traditional metal braces skyrocket. Patients want orthodontic treatment that will be comfortable, unobtrusive, and completed quickly. The main reason is so that they can continue on with their lives with as little disruption as possible while wearing braces. Dr. Georgaklis at Rapid Braces takes all his patients’ requests into account and has been at the forefront of modern braces alternatives for over 20 years. At Rapid Braces he is able to provide a number of different alternatives to traditional metal braces that will keep patients comfortable during orthodontic treatment and out the door with a perfect smile fast.

alternatives to traditional braces

Of the alternatives to traditional braces that are offered at Rapid Braces, invisible braces have become the most popular. Boston invisible braces or “lingual braces” are worn behind the teeth so they cannot be seen from the outside. Like Invisalign, it will be very difficult for anyone to detect that you are wearing braces. Unlike Invisalign, however, Boston invisible braces offer great control of the teeth and a treatment time that usually works out to be half as long. Invisible braces are custom-made to fit into each patient’s mouth and offer the most personalized adult orthodontic treatment available.

One of the biggest reasons that so many patients are getting perfect smiles with Boston invisible braces is the quick treatment time. At Rapid Braces we offer Dr. G’s personal 6 month braces treatment technique and are able to complete 90% of our cases in 6 months or less. We are able to do this by offering the most cutting-edge techniques for straight teeth and the most personalized orthodontic treatment in the area. Dr. G makes sure to have enough time available to meet with each patient that comes in for an appointment and make any changes as necessary. It is extremely important to not miss any scheduled appointments to finish orthodontic treatment in 6 months or less.

Schedule an appointment at our Brookline office to get your braces treatment started. The first step is to get an initial consultation with Dr. G so he can see what position your teeth are in as well as if there are any other problems that need to be addressed. Once he’s familiar with your mouth he can put together a number of treatment options for you to choose from. We will present all the different braces options that are available and you can choose which one will work best for you. Each method has different pros and cons that the expert staff at Rapid Braces will be happy to go over with you until you are comfortable making your decision. Call Rapid Braces to get 6 month Boston invisible braces treatment today.

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Get Braces Behind Teeth at Rapid Braces

Boston braces behind teeth

At Rapid Braces in Brookline, we offer a number of different modern braces alternatives for adults looking for a more comfortable braces option. Orthodontic practices have made huge strides in recent years and can now provide orthodontic treatment that is quicker and easier to patients of any age. New braces techniques that allow for easier cleaning, a more comfortable experience, and are less obtrusive patients are available to patients at Rapid Braces.

One type of modern braces option that has given patients perfect smiles is lingual braces that are worn behind the teeth. Lingual braces are carefully put in behind your teeth so they will remain out of view from the outside and offer good control over the position of your teeth. Your teeth will gradually be straightened out over time like traditional metal braces but no one will know your going through orthodontic treatment while you’re wearing them.

The following are some benefits of getting braces behind your teeth for a perfect smile at Rapid Braces Brookline office:

1. State-of-the-art adult orthodontic technology: Lingual braces are the result of recent advancements in the orthodontic field. They are put in behind the teeth so they won’t be able to be seen by anyone and attract unwanted attention to your mouth.

2. Personalized treatment: Dr. Georgaklis keeps his daily appointments to a minimum so he can give his patients individualized treatment for the best results. With a significant amount of time allotted for each scheduled appointment Dr. G. can monitor progress closely and make necessary changes as they are required.

3. A comfortable orthodontic treatment option: Behind the teeth braces are designed to be put into a patient’s mouth seamlessly and offer an maximum level of comfort. Some pain immediately after getting your lingual braces put in is to be expected but after that it is rare that any pain is reported.

4. Keep your mouth clean: Behind the teeth braces allow for easier and more complete cleaning than traditional metal braces. You can be sure you keep your front teeth clean while getting your teeth straightened out with braces behind your teeth.

Lingual braces in Boston offer a cutting-edge solution for adults to get straight teeth fast. Call in today to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about getting a perfect smile fast.

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Alternatives to Metal Braces at Rapid Braces

In the past, getting misaligned teeth straightened out meant a lengthy period of wearing obnoxious metal braces. Wearing metal braces was generally an uncomfortable experience that consisted of painful modifications and frequent orthodontist appointments. Because of this, many individuals shied away from getting Boston braces for a perfect smile. Today, however, modern advancements to orthodontic technology have created new methods for getting straight teeth that are considerably friendlier to patients of any age. At Rapid Braces in Brookline we offer modern Boston braces alternatives so anyone can feel comfortable getting a perfect smile.

All of the braces alternatives that we offer at Rapid Braces will make getting braces a far less painful experience. They are designed to be less clunky in your mouth and be tougher to spot from the outside. Metal braces have been known to hurt the self-confidence of whoever is wearing them due to the attention they draw to them. With the modern braces alternatives that are offered at Rapid Braces anyone can get a perfect smile without having to worry how it would affect their social life. Clear braces, braces put behind the teeth, and Invisalign are all discrete braces options that are available to our patients.

modern boston braces alternatives

Boston clear braces are braces that use clear bands so that they are almost invisible when they are put in a patient’s mouth. Lingual braces are put behind the teeth so they can’t be seen from the outside. Lingual braces offer great control of your teeth to achieve fantastic Boston braces results. Invisalign is one of the most popular braces alternatives available due to the use of clear aligner trays. The Boston Invisalign trays can be removed at anytime so you can eat and brush your teeth easily. All our modern orthodontic treatment options will be customized to meet each of our patient’s unique needs.

The first step in getting straight teeth with Rapid Braces’ modern braces alternatives is getting an initial orthodontic consultation with Dr. Georgaklis. Dr. G has been a practicing Boston orthodontist for over 20 years and uses the initial meeting to get to know a new patient as well as identify any problem areas that will require special attention. After the consultation, Dr. G can lay out all the different treatment options available and the pros and cons of each plan. Rapid Braces will never advise a patient to undergo an expensive type of treatment when a less expensive alternative is readily available. Get straight teeth with modern braces alternatives at Rapid Braces today.

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Get Adult Orthodontic Treatment Done Fast with Boston Speed Braces

Rapid Braces is the best place to get fast orthodontic treatment for adults with Boston speed braces. Dr. Georgaklis and his expert staff understand that getting straight teeth with braces can be a big commitment for many adults. That is why he has developed the Straight Teeth in 6 Months braces technique so that he can give his patients perfect smiles fast. Over 90% of patients at Rapid Braces complete their fast orthodontic treatment in 6 months or less.

Dr. G has been perfecting his speed braces technique for over twenty years and uses all the knowledge he has gained to get impressive results. He strives to tailor each patient’s orthodontic treatment plan to fit their unique needs. By doing this he is able to complete successful speed braces treatments with consistency. The expert staff at Rapid Braces focus on less patients a day than most Boston orthodontist offices so we can offer the most personalized Boston speed braces treatment around.

boston speed braces

Fantastic results are achieved fast by putting a focus on the end result and giving each patient a personalized adult orthodontic treatment plan. We have a number of different modern Boston braces alternatives available for patients looking for something less obtrusive than traditional braces. Clear braces use clear bands to keep your mouth from attracting too much unwanted attention. Lingual braces are put behind the teeth so that they can only be seen when tilting your head back and offer great control of your teeth during treatment. Invisalign uses clear aligner trays that can be taken out at anytime and must be remolded during treatment to straighten teeth completely. All of the modern braces options at Rapid Braces will keep your mouth comfortable while getting you a perfect smile fast.

Fast orthodontic treatment for adults with Boston speed braces starts with an initial consultation with Dr. Georgaklis. At this first meeting Dr. G will examine your mouth to determine the best treatment options for you and any special measures that may need to be taken. After we get a good look at your mouth and how your teeth are aligned we can offer you a number of different treatment options. We understand that many patients have budgets set aside for their treatment and won’t recommend an expensive treatment when a cheaper option exists. Once your personalized adult orthodontic treatment plan is decided on you can begin your Boston speed braces treatment. Get straight teeth fast at Rapid Braces.

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The Best Brookline Orthodontist

Dr. Clifton Georgaklis first started providing orthodontic care in Brookline in 1991. Since then he has focused on adult cosmetic orthodontics and developed the Rapid Braces technique; a method to straighten teeth that can be completed in 6 months or less. The orthodontic experts at Rapid Braces aim to give you a perfect smile by offering a number of different braces options and a personalized treatment plan.

The first step in the 6 month braces is getting an initial braces consultation. At this first meeting Dr. G. can get a good look at how your teeth are aligned and determine the best way to close any gaps for straight teeth. He can put together an orthodontic plan specifically designed for you and offer the best options to get straight teeth. Rapid Braces offers modern braces alternatives that are designed to be more comfortable and effective than traditional metal braces. The options are also less obtrusive to your appearance and include clear braces, invisalign, and lingual braces.

best brookline orthodontist

Once you have agreed on a Brookline orthodontics treatment plan we can schedule your first appointment. We will begin with a general dental cleaning. Rapid Braces is one of the best dental practices in the Brookline area and can offer our expert dental services to patients undergoing our Rapid Braces treatment as well. Our expert staff will make sure to fix any dental problems before braces are put on so you won’t have any unexpected cavities when they are taken off. Keeping your mouth clean while completing Brookline adult orthodontic treatment is extremely important.

During your treatment it is important that you are able to make every appointment that we schedule for you at Rapid Braces. Dr. G. strives to offer a service that is compatible with an adult’s busy lifestyle. Attending every checkup that is scheduled will allow for Dr. G. to monitor your progress and make any changes to treatment if a problem pops up. With this personalized treatment available, Rapid Braces is able to complete over 90% of it’s Brookline adult orthodontic treatment cases in 6 months or less. Call today to learn more about all the different braces options that are available at our Brookline office.

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Get Boston Braces for Adults at Rapid Braces

Getting braces to straighten your teeth can be done at any age. In the past braces were seen as something an individual went through as a teen. Today, thanks to a number of advancements in the orthodontic field, more and more adults are getting Boston braces for a perfect smile at any age. The benefits of having a perfect smile go way further than your appearance. Adults all over are getting healthier mouths by getting Boston braces at Rapid Braces.

We offer a number of different adult orthodontic treatment options at Rapid Braces in Brookline. Our staff understands that the thought of having metal braces is enough to turn most adults away from getting orthodontic treatment. The following modern Boston braces alternatives are intended to be compatible with an adult lifestyle.

  • Clear braces use clear bands so they aren’t as noticeable in your mouth, this option often offers good control of your teeth for excellent results.
  • Invisalign is a teeth straightening system that utilizes clear alignment plates that are changed over time to gradually close any gaps between your teeth. Individuals wearing invisalign report that almost no one noticed they were wearing braces.
  • Lingual braces are put behind the teeth so they can’t be seen from the outside. They will only be visible if you tilt your head back.

boston braces for adults

All of our modern Boston braces alternatives are unobtrusive and able to be customized to meet any patients specific needs. It is important that patients are able to attend every appointment scheduled during their treatment. Dr. Georgaklis can provide more personalized adult orthodontic treatment if he is able to monitor your progress closely.

After you get your Boston braces taken off you will notice a number of improvements to your oral health. Your teeth will be properly spaced, allowing for a much more comfortable bite and easier cleaning. Straight teeth can also help stop any persistent jaw pain that many individuals don’t even realize that they have. Rapid Braces is the best place to get adult orthodontic treatment in the Boston area. Call today to learn more about getting Boston braces and a perfect smile today.

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