Straight Teeth in Six Months
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Brookline rapid braces


Bite Alignment with Rapid Braces

6 month braces result

Bite Alignment with Rapid Braces

Are you one of the millions of Americans with a crooked smile? At Rapid Braces in Brookline, MA we offer state-of-the-art adult braces, Invisalign and orthodontic treatment to address bite alignment. Dr. Clifton Georgaklis is the inventor of the 6 month Rapid Braces program.

Our custom approach to adult braces is able to correct most cases of bite misalignment. Whether you have an overbite, underbite, or scissor bite, it can greatly effect the shape of one’s speech, lips and mouth. In our clinic we offer the best in digital imaging services to address bite alignment. Our visualization process and allow patients to see their treatment plan in 3D. With this information, our dental specialists are able to assess the best method for the Rapid Braces program.

How a Bite Misalignment can harm dental health

If the overbite, underbite, or scissor bite is not corrected it will compromise the enamel of teeth. This can lead to speech issues and increase wear on the edges of teeth. In the case of an overjet- which is the distance between the top and bottom incisors, bite correction can be achieved through a combination of adult orthodontic options. In the case of open bite, the front teeth are pushed outward and do not connect.

In addition to 6 month braces, we also offer a range of adult orthodontic options including lingual braces, behind the teeth braces, clear braces and Invisalign. The future of dentistry is now, what once took years of consistent adjustments to fix bite alignment now takes less then 6 months.

The braces we had as kids have come a long way. Adults can choose braces that have evolved to offer sophisticated modern orthodontics.  Cleveland Circle Dental Associates offers a range of subtle and invisible solutions to bite misalignment. Techniques such as Invisalign, clear braces, and behind the teeth braces can address even the most severe cases. With Rapid Braces’ 6 month braces treatment option we are able to complete over 90% of our orthodontic cases in 6 months or less. Our patients are able to fit our Boston area orthodontic treatment to obtain bite alignment into their tight schedules because of the shorter treatment periods.

Dr. G and his team are ready to help you feel great about your smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and to find a solution within your budget.

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Boston’s Best Option for Adult Orthodontics

Boston’s Best Option for Adult Orthodontics

Today, adult orthodontics are becoming more and more popular. People of all ages are getting braces for straight teeth and a better smile. More and more adult orthodonticsadults are realizing their dreams of a perfect smile by wearing braces. Braces have traditionally been something that individuals wear in their teens but modern technology is making getting braces as an adult easier than ever. Rapid Braces in Brookline has a number of these modern braces alternatives that are perfect for adults. Our 6 month braces treatment has been proven to be more comfortable and get completed faster than traditional Boston orthodontic plans.

The biggest reason that so many adults are getting Boston orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces is the fast treatment time. Over 90% of adult orthodontics cases are finished in 6 months or less with Rapid Braces’ 6 Month Braces treatment. Dr. Georgaklis began developing the treatment method over 20 years ago and has received acclaim from the orthodontic community ever since. The 6 Month Braces treatment plan has been perfected over the years to get patients the results they want fast. It is important that patients are able to attend all scheduled appointments for the fastest possible orthodontic treatment.

Free Initial Consultation

Getting 6 Month Braces at Rapid Braces is a great way to fix any imperfections in your smile so you won’t be afraid to show it off. Adult orthodontics at Rapid Braces can help close up gaps between teeth, straighten out teeth that aren’t aligned correctly, adjust crooked teeth, etc. All of our treatment plans start with a free orthodontic consultation so that Dr. G and the expert staff at Rapid Braces can get a view of your mouth and how your teeth are aligned. After the first look we can then recommend which treatment options are right for you. Rapid Braces offers the latest orthodontic technology so almost all of our prospective patients are able to get braces that fit comfortably.

Rapid Braces has clear braces, behind the teeth braces, lingual braces, invisible braces and Invisalign available for adult orthodontic patients. Clear braces utilize clear bands and brackets so they can remain hidden. Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth so they will remain out of view and offer great control of how your teeth are aligned. Invisalign is one of our most popular orthodontic treatment options that uses clear aligner trays. The aligner trays must be remolded and switch regularly to shift your teeth but they can be removed to eat and brush your teeth and can’t be seen in your mouth. Call Rapid Braces today to learn more about all the braces for adults options that are available and schedule your free consultation.

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6 Month Braces Speed Up Boston Orthodontic Treatment

6 month braces

With 6 month braces at Rapid Braces patients can complete their Boston orthodontic treatment fast. The 6 month braces treatment method uses techniques that have been proven to work. Over 90% of the cases started at Rapid Braces office in Brookline are completed in 6 months or less. Patients are often amazed at how quickly their teeth were straightened after consistently hearing about costly 2 – 3 year treatment times from other orthodontists. 6 month braces are perfect for adults with busy schedules who feel that their less than flattering smiles are holding them back. You can get a smile that you’re confident showing off at Rapid Braces.

6 Month Orthodontic Treatment

The main focus of Rapid Braces’ 6 month braces treatment plan is to give patients a great smile fast. We use the latest orthodontic technology so we can offer the most cutting-edge braces options to our patients. Recently a number of advancements have been made so that braces can be more comfortable and work faster. Rapid Braces strives to keep the number of scheduled daily appointments at a minimum so that we can offer the most personalized Boston orthodontic treatment. By devoting more time to each patient we are able to carefully monitor progress during treatment and ensure you have a great smile when your braces come off.

Options for Adult Braces

Different types of braces that are offered at Rapid Braces include lingual braces, behind the teeth braces, clear braces, invisible braces and Invisialign. Lingual braces are a popular treatment option in which your braces are fastened behind your teeth so only those you wish to tell will know you are wearing them. Many of our patients are concerned with how they will look with awkward metal braces in their mouths but wearing lingual braces will eliminate this problem. Lingual braces also offer precise control of the movement of your teeth and have given many patients the smile they’ve always wanted.

All of our fast 6 month braces treatments start with an initial consultation so the experts at Rapid Braces can get a good feel for how your teeth are aligned. After we examine your mouth and determine areas that need attention we can recommend different treatment options that are available. Some options are more expensive than others but with the number of choices available at Rapid Braces patients can almost always find an option that works for them. Schedule an initial consultation to get your teeth straightened out fast today.

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Hide Your Braces by Getting them Behind your Teeth

behind the teeth braces

Braces that are put in behind the teeth, referred to as lingual braces, incognito braces, hidden braces or behind the teeth braces, are making it easier than ever to keep your braces hidden. Behind the teeth braces work similarly to traditional metal braces with one major difference. They are placed behind the teeth so no one will ever know you’re wearing braces. Rapid Braces has been providing orthodontic care in the Boston area for over 20 years and has been a leader in the growth of orthodontic care for adults.

Behind the teeth braces are perfect for those who have misaligned or crooked teeth that make their smile less than flattering. Lingual braces at Rapid Braces will shift your teeth over time until you have a perfect smile that you’re not afraid to show off. Rapid Braces offers a 6 month braces treatment plan that is able to complete over 90% of cases in 6 months or less. Our office knows how busy many of our patients’ schedules are and do our best to give you appointment times that will work. It is important to attend all scheduled appointments for your orthodontic treatment to stay on schedule.

Getting behind the teeth braces at Rapid Braces will give you the most personalized orthodontic care in the Boston area. We keep the number of appointments scheduled daily to a minimum so that we can give each patient the attention that they deserve. We are able to make minor changes during adult orthodontic treatment that will help shorten treatment time and give our patients a perfect smile when the braces are taken off.

Behind the teeth braces are the best for patients who want braces that won’t affect their cosmetic appearance. Lingual braces are much like traditional metal braces except for the fact that they are bonded to the back of your teeth. The braces will remain hidden when smiling so no one will know that you are wearing them unless you tell them. Rapid Braces has years of experience giving patients perfect smiles with behind the teeth braces. Call our office today to schedule an initial consultation today.

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How to Decide if you Need Braces

do i need braces

There are a number of different reasons that you might get braces. Some people need braces to fix an uncomfortable bite. Others decide to get them because they know they’d be more confident with a perfect smile. Choosing to get braces as an adult can be a tough choice but is often the best option for your oral health and cosmetic appearance. Rapid Braces in Brookline has been providing adults with expert orthodontic treatment and is the right choice for anyone who wants straight teeth fast.

The orthodontic experts at Rapid Braces have experience treating patients of all ages. We know that orthodontic treatment can be scary for patients of any age and do our best to keep appointments as short as possible. Coming to all scheduled appointments is necessary for Dr. G to make any adjustments during treatment and get the best possible results from your braces. Call today to schedule an initial consultation.

Choosing to get braces as an adults can be a difficult decision. Most people have heard stories from their friends about how painful wearing braces can be and the numerous trips to the orthodontist’s office. These stories have scared many people away from getting the smile of their dreams. Rapid Braces, however, is aiming to change how people think about braces with the 6 month braces treatment method. Our 6 month braces method is able to complete more than 90% of the cases we take on in 6 months or less. Our patients are often amazed at great their teeth look after just 6 months of treatment.

Rapid Braces understands that many adults don’t have the time to get their teeth straightened out. Many individuals have extremely busy schedules with little time for regular appointments or dealing with painful braces. Adult orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces is fast and uses modern braces alternatives that are both comfortable and easy to keep hidden. Our lingual braces are braces that are put behind your teeth so only people you tell will know that they are there. Clear braces use clear bands so that they blend in with the rest of your mouth and won’t attract much attention. Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment method that uses clear aligner plates that need to be gradually changed to keep your teeth moving into the ideal position.

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Get Results Fast with 6 Month Braces at Rapid Braces

speed braces result

Long treatment times one thing that stops many adults from wearing braces and getting a perfect smile. Even though they know that having straight teeth would do wonders for their confidence in social settings they decide not to get orthodontic treatment in Boston. With most orthodontists, closing any gaps between teeth means 2 years or more of painful treatment and inconvenient appointments. Rapid Braces, however, is working hard to change adults’ perception of braces with our revolutionary 6 month braces treatment plan. With our 6 month braces treatment we are able to finish more than 9 out of 10 cases in less than 6 months and give our patients the smiles they’ve always wanted.

Dr. G began developing the 6 month braces treatment option over 20 years ago when he realized that many adults were unhappy with their smiles and not doing anything about it. He focused on the end result of the treatment and was able to create a method that could get awesome results fast. Since creating the 6 month braces method, Dr. G has received praise from around the orthodontic community and shared his technique with noted orthodontists around the world. We understand that many adults live very fast-paced lifestyles and try to be as accommodating as possible at Rapid Braces. Give us a call today to schedule your first appointment.

All of our patients’ orthodontic treatment plans start with an initial consultation at Rapid Braces’ office in Brookline. It is at this consultation that Dr. G can get a good look at how your teeth are positioned and let you know if 6 month braces are right for you. Many patients are unsure if they really need braces in the first place and the initial consultation is a good place to clear up any confusion you may have. After determining what the best steps to straighten your teeth out will be, Dr. G and his staff can present the best modern braces options available to you.

Rapid Braces prides itself on being on the cutting edge of orthodontic technology and offers a number of modern braces alternatives. Adults like to pick these options because they are more comfortable than traditional metal braces and easier to keep hidden from the outside. With many of our 6 month braces treatment options only those who you wish to tell will know that you will be undergoing orthodontic treatment at all. We offer lingual braces, behind the teeth braces, invisible braces, clear braces and Invisalign at Rapid Braces so almost everyone is able to find braces that they can wear confidently.

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Comfortable Braces Options at Rapid Braces

do i need braces

One thing that scares patients away when they are determining whether they need braces or not are stories of orthodontic emergencies. They’ve heard horrific tales from their friends about waking up in the middle of the night with a broken bracket or uncomfortable sore. According to the storyteller, this type of problem regularly requires being rushed to the orthodontist to fix the issue before things get worse. At Rapid Braces we hear horror stories recounted by patients often and want all of our patients to know that we offer braces that are more comfortable and easier to take care of than ever. Ensuring you take proper care of your mouth and braces is the best way to avoid an orthodontic emergency.

At Rapid Braces office in Brookline, we offer many modern braces alternatives that are designed to make the process of getting a perfect smile easier. Patients no longer have to worry about years of painful treatment with expert orthodontic care from Rapid Braces. Behind the teeth braces, invisible braces, lingual braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available at Rapid Braces. These options have been proven to be less obtrusive than traditional metal braces. They also allow patients to be able to smile without letting the world know they’re getting their teeth straightened with braces that stay out of sight.

It is also important to make sure your mouth stays clean and your braces stay fastened to your teeth correctly. If something does go wrong it is best to contact Dr. G to get it fixed as soon as possible so your smile looks as good as it can after completing treatment. Rapid Braces asks that all patients arrive on time for scheduled appointments so Dr. G will have the time to give each patient the attention that they deserve.

Schedule a visit to the Rapid Braces office in Brookline to learn if our expert Boston orthodontic treatment is right for you. Many patients are unsure if they need braces before starting treatment. An initial consultation with Dr. G will give us a good idea of how your teeth are aligned and what options exist to get you straight teeth fast.

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Are 6 Month Braces Right for Me?

6 month braces

At Rapid Braces office in Brookline we see many patients for initial consultations who are unsure if 6 month braces are right for them. In most cases these patients are adults who are embarrassed to show their smile for one reason or another. The lengthy orthodontic treatment times, stories of painful appointments and having to wear awkward looking metal brackets are too much to deal with. Luckily for them, however, Rapid Braces has been at the forefront of developing alternative braces methods that are more comfortable and can be taken off faster than traditional braces.

Studies have shown that many adults in the United States feel they could have a better smile. Many adults who thought they missed out on getting straight teeth when they were a teen are getting perfect smiles fast with fast orthodontic treatment at Rapid Braces. There are a number of different reasons for wanting to improve your smile.

  • Being uncomfortable with your smile makes you feel self-conscious in social situations
  • You have a big event like a wedding or graduation that you want to look great for
  • Your smile is holding you back from getting the most out of your career

Get Fast Orthodontic Treatment

Schedule an initial consultation today to learn more about how Rapid Braces can straighten teeth fast. We have a number of different alternative braces options available for our 6 month treatment that are more comfortable and look better than traditional braces. Lingual braces, behind the teeth braces, clear braces and Invisalign are all available at Rapid Braces.

6 month braces at Rapid Braces can fix a number of different problems with the alignment of your teeth to give you the best possible smile. Our 6 month braces treatments has closed up gaps between teeth, moved teeth that were out of position, straightened out crooked teeth and given crowded teeth some room to breathe. The experts at Rapid Braces are able to complete over 90% of the cases they take on in 6 months or less and patients are often amazed with the results.

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Behind the Teeth Braces at Rapid Braces

behind the teeth braces

Behind the teeth or hidden braces are a new type of orthodontic treatment that is becoming a popular choice for adults. An alternative to traditional metal braces that can make anyone look awkward, hidden braces are placed behind your teeth. This way they are hidden out of view so they’re practically invisible. Your teeth will constantly be getting straightened out while wearing behind the teeth braces until you have a perfect smile. Rapid Braces strives to complete orthodontic treatment quickly and is able to finish more than 90% of its cases in 6 months or less.

Unlike in the past, getting straight teeth isn’t just for teenagers anymore. Today, more and more adults are choosing to get orthodontic treatment with behind the teeth braces. Some have been dreaming of getting a beautiful smile but felt they would be to embarrassed to show their face in public wearing traditional braces. Others knew that metal braces can be a painful commitment that often lasted more than 3 years. Behind the teeth braces offer an alternative way to straighten out your teeth that is both comfortable and discreet.

Advantages of Behind the Teeth Braces

There are a number of benefits to getting straight teeth with behind the teeth braces at Rapid Braces.

  • Behind the teeth braces are easy to keep hidden due to the fact that they are placed behind your teeth. Only those you choose to tell will even know that they are there.
  • Patients wearing behind the teeth braces are able to eat and speak normally after a short adjustment time.
  • It is far easier to keep your teeth clean wearing behind the teeth braces than with traditional braces.
  • Rapid Braces is able to finish over 90% of its adult orthodontics cases in 6 months or less with the 6 month braces treatment method.

Give us a call and schedule appointment to find out if behind the teeth braces are the right choice for you today. All of our patients’ treatments begin with an initial consultation. At this appointment Dr. G can see how your teeth are aligned and recommend which treatment options are right for you.

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Do I Really Need Braces as an Adult?

do i need braces

Braces are no longer just for children and teenagers. Today, more adults are looking for adult orthodontic treatment to fix gaps between their teeth and a number of other reasons. Some patients want a perfect smile that will improve their self-esteem. Others would like their teeth straightened out to correct a painful bite. Adults have been getting braces in increasing numbers in recent years due to a number of advancements that make getting a perfect smile easier than ever.

Rapid Braces in Brookline offers orthodontic treatment to patients of all ages with a focus on providing the most personalized adult braces treatment. Over 90% of the cases we take are able to be completed in 6 months or less with our 6 month braces treatment option. Dr. Georgaklis developed the technique almost 20 years ago and has received acclaim from the orthodontic community for his 6 month braces method. There are also a number of different styles of braces available at Rapid Braces so patients can choose the type that works best for them.

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they first meet you. A confident smile can be a big boost to self-esteem in social and professional settings. With Rapid Braces’ 6 month braces treatment plan, adult patients don’t need to commit to a lengthy treatment process to get the smile that they’ve always wanted. We understand that many adults have very busy schedules and work our hardest to be accommodating with scheduled appointments.

Our adult orthodontic treatment starts with an initial consultation with Dr. G. At this first meeting, Dr. G can see exactly how your teeth are aligned and what the best treatment options are. He can then present the choices for types of braces that are available to you. We offer behind the teeth braces, lingual braces, clear braces, invisible braces and Invisalign at Rapid Braces so patients are almost always able to find a braces option that works for them. Call Rapid Braces today to schedule an appointment and get started with 6 month braces today.

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